Sickening for sure. Look at this guy in pathetic adoration of Rutherford (minus the cross and crowns of course, and Jesus picture was given a haircut)
neat blue dog
JoinedPosts by neat blue dog
Talk about indoctrination
by RolRod insaw this while browsing the jw site.
cartoons of rutherford.
😆 .
Worship study this week
by road to nowhere insince i need to keep up for family's sake i "study"(skim, its not deep).
worship: pray, study ( wt), go to meetings ( formal, not gathering 2 or 3), preach.
thrn add helping build halls, donating, and since donations go one way only, give material aid to others.. note construction time isn't for service,( but i may have turned in time for it).
neat blue dog
Yep I feel you, in a similar situation. Just keep in mind that any monthly local excess is "donated" to the WTS, but if your family is aware of donations then I guess there's not much you can do, short of 'redirecting' the funds to a worthier cause. -
Hospitality for speaker
by road to nowhere inthere seem to be hospitality starting again.
fully vaccinated and assume masked.
neither a set in stone rule.
neat blue dog
they could order that special or a Number 5 with fries
That's too good for 'em! Those meal 'deals' are rip offs, I'm thriftier than that 😅
Can Nicholas King get in trouble for this?
by neat blue dog inyes, she was baptized but is no longer a jw, as she's talked before about the time she was reproved for 6 months for fornication.. .
neat blue dog
Yes, she was baptized but is no longer a JW, as she's talked before about the time she was reproved for 6 months for fornication.
Question #2 for JW's
by BoogerMan inhow could the "two witnesses" mentioned in revelation chapter 11 possibly be j.f.
rutherford and his companions who got jailed and then released in 1919?.
w14 11/15 p. 30 - so in the fulfillment of revelation chapter 11, the anointed brothers who took the lead at the time of the establishment of god’s kingdom in heaven in 1914 preached “in sackcloth” for three and a half years.. watchtower november 15, 2014, p. 30 - revelation 11:7 says that it is "the wild beast that ascends out of the abyss" which kills the 'two witnesses'.. since the wild beast of rev.
neat blue dog
For once Scholar was helpful! (Not that the information is true obviously, but it clarifies JW doctrine.)
Ex JWs who use the catch phrase "Friends"
by jojorabbit inits a personal pet peeve to me but i hate it when ex jws use the catch phrase friends.
this was used at every convention and many meetings i went to.
the friends, mother and others.
neat blue dog
I hate "In these last days" with "these" typically emphasized. It could literally be tacked onto any thought and make it sound meaningful or foreboding.
Jesus is Michael the Archangel
by Fisherman inonly jesus has the power and authority to defeat satan and kick him out of heaven:.
“now have come to pass the salvation and the power and the kingdom of our god and the authority of his christ, because the accuser of our brothers has been hurled down, who accuses them day and night before our god.”.
neat blue dog
Case closed 😆
Norway Supreme Court Makes WTS Reinstate Disfellowshipped Member
by Golden4Altar inthe supreme court corrects a mistake.
massimo introvigne.
article source.
neat blue dog
Believe all women 😏
What sort of people were the JW's who went to prison? Government study tells all
by Terry indo you feel a draft?
(jw’s did-in the 1960s)i thought you might find it interesting to review exactly what the u.s. government thought, studied, and wrote about people of conscience during the vietnam war.what follows comes from official records…more than half of the 27 million men eligible for the draft during the vietnam war were deferred, exempted, or disqualified.
(cortright, david (2008).
neat blue dog
a baptized Witness who voluntarily joins the military is to be labeled "Disassociated" and not "Disfellowshipped"
Yup and same for blood transfusions. All that matters is appearances.
Who do you think the DEMONS are?
by raymond frantz inthe watchtower teaches that the demons are the angels that came down here on earth right before the flood but research shows otherwise in this video i consider the identity of demons.if you never looked in this subject you will find this interesting ,let me know what you think.
neat blue dog
Great stuff, thanks for sharing your research!